Cleaning Out The Big Concrete Drainage Structure
Weather permitting, we will be cleaning out the big concrete drainage structure, which is in the NE corner of Brookmeade and Country Club Road. If we get the equipment delivered as planned, we hope to do this on Tuesday of next week. We have to rent a massive long reach excavator to get all the way across to the other side. It has to be done every eight to ten years. If nothing goes wrong, we’ll be in and out in a day. We’ll have extensive personnel and equipment in that area so we’ll notify DPD early on.
We’ve planned this all year but just now got enough personnel freed up to accomplish such a large project. It should help with some temporary flooding issues until we start the bigger project in the ditch going south of there. We just wanted to make you aware of the proposed project and time schedule.
As always, please exercise caution when driving in this work area.
Best Regards,
Rickey Terry
Director, Street and Environmental Department