February Blog Post — Carnegie Carnival Season
The Old State Bank is now adorned with its festive Mardi Gras wreaths, and that can only mean one thing!
Across the community, crewes are readying their floats for the Carnegie Carnival Mardi Gras parade on the evening of February 26.
Origin of the Carnegie Carnival
The Carnegie Visual Arts Center created the Carnegie Carnival in 2012, and the event has flourished into a multi-month cultural celebration. Carnegie Carnival now includes a half-marathon and a host of events leading up to the big parade.
Parade Route
This year’s parade will begin at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 26. The parade will run from Bank Street to 2nd Avenue. Make sure you get there early to grab your spot to watch!
List of Events
Want to join in on the fun? See the full list of events here!
From Community Development’s Code Enforcement Division Manager David Lee:
“Our code enforcement division is hard at work keeping our city safe. We are thankful for the opportunity to serve our community with our staff of a code enforcement manager, four code enforcement officers, and a code enforcement clerk.
In addition to our enforcement role, our staff is also responsible for maintaining the inventory of approximately 200 city- and state-owned properties. This includes managing the inventory records, keeping the property lines marked, supervising the mowing contractor’s work and payment, and coordination of debris and tree removal with other departments.
If we can ever be of service, feel free to call us at (256) 341-4960.”
From Fire Chief Tracy Thornton:
“Our team has celebrated promotions and departmental advancement this season.
I am especially grateful for the dedication of Battalion 1, Rescue 1, Ladder 3, Tower 4, and Car 3, after they saved an industrial worker from entrapment on the evening of Wednesday, February 9.
We are so thankful for our department’s dedication and the training they receive to help keep our city safe.”
From CFO Kyle Demeester:
“The Finance Department is honored to receive the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) for our annual comprehensive financial report for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020.
This is the 29th consecutive year our department has received this award, and we are thankful to be able to continue the tradition.”
From Director of Development Dane Shaw:
“Our Planning Department and the One Decatur Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee just released its annual review for 2021 accomplishments and 2022 goals. I invite you to read the latest news from them here.”
From Interim Police Chief Todd Pinion:
“The Decatur Police Department recruitment team hit the ground running shortly after the new year started. Members have been busy attending several career fairs, job expos and have no plans of slowing down. Our team is committed to finding new and lateral applicants that are representative of our diverse city and are driven to serve.
In an effort to reach more of our neighbors, the department launched a Spanish-language Facebook page. Decatur AL, Police Department en Español will feature information regarding upcoming events, community resources, safety alerts and crime prevention tips. We hope the page will serve as a tool to effectively distribute important information, to better connect with our community and to answer any questions our Hispanic community may have.
We’re proud to announce Officer Jonathan Macklin was unanimously recommended to be the first recipient of the Jeff Bailey Community Service Award.
The award is presented to sworn or civilian personnel for their valuable and outstanding service while on or off duty, through an act or series of acts that provided great service, kindness or compassion to individuals or the community that was beyond the normal call of duty or who distinguish themselves and the department for their volunteer work in the community.
Known for his servant’s heart, Macklin is an asset to our city and embodies the kind of community focused police work that Officer Jeff Bailey was so well known for. We thank him for his hard work, continued dedication and service to our residents.”