Blog Update from Decatur Fire and Rescue
Decatur Fire/Rescue is still providing the same high quality service as you have become accustom to everyday. We are still responding to all Fire, EMS, HazMat and Technical Rescue calls for the City of Decatur. We have changed a few things during this time. We are requiring the primary medical provider on each EMS call to wear the following items: safety glasses, N95 mask, gown/rain coat and gloves. We are also getting each patient we provide care for on a call to wear a mask also.
We are closely monitoring all CDC and ADPH guidelines. We are adhering to these guidelines not only for the patients that we treat, but also for our personnel. We currently monitor all of our personnel each day to make sure they are healthy before they respond to your emergency. At this time we have not had any personnel with COVID19.
We want the public to know that Decatur Fire/Rescue will always be here to help you when you call for help.