Blog Update from our Street and Environmental Department
With the onset of Spring, the Street & Environmental Services is placing our focus on potholes, drainage structures, sidewalks and curb and gutter repairs. It’s been extremely wet and there’s a lot to do. We encourage you to call our office with any concerns you may have in repairing our infrastructure. We can be reached at 256-341-4740. We’ll put your concerns in a work order system which helps us in tracking the repairs and will most likely expedite the completion of the project.
We have funds set aside for street paving and as soon as the weather provides us the opportunity, we’ll proceed with some much needed paving of our streets. Along with street paving, we’ll return to cutting back overgrowth in the alleys and repairing eroded alley’s as well. We generally repair alley’s across the City in a pattern, trying to provide each district adequate service. However, if you see an alley we’ve missed or that needs immediate attention, let us know, we’ll try to asses that particular situation on an individual basis.
A lot of what we do depends on you the resident. You play a vital role in helping us do our jobs better. Things like removing your carts from the alley’s once they have been emptied, bagging your waste prior to placing it in your cart and keeping debris away from power poles, fencing and telephone boxes allows us to proceed with waste collection and alley maintenance much quicker and with better results. It doesn’t necessarily have to be in your neighborhood either. While driving to and from work or maybe you’re out and about on the evenings or weekends and you see something, write the address down and give us a call.
With your help we can continue to make Decatur a healthier and more vibrant place to live.
Rickey Terry, Director