Blog Update from The City of Decatur City Clerk
In Spite of the current health issue all of us are facing….
The City Clerk department is open and ready to help our residents and want what is best for the people in Decatur. We may be working with modified staffing but even if they are not physically in the office we are all still working as usual and we assist them in handling business over the phone, email or USPS. Our office feels strongly about serving our residents and helping them to get what they need and stay home which is more important than ever right now. We are capable of letting our builders or home renovators pay for a building/electrical/mechanical or plumbing permits without even coming into our office.
Coming very soon we will have the capability to do email payment processing. It will enable to send out an email to the cardholder then they can enter the credit card information and have it securely processed. Many of our customers have told us they do not like to give their card information over the phone and we listened. This new feature will also accept checks by simply entering the routing and account number. It is just like paying online but not only for permits it can be used for copies of information they may have requested or to pay for excess garbage that needs picked up.
We have vacancies and right now we are accepting applications. Many people have questions such as what is a certain board responsible for or how often do they meet? We are ready to answer those questions or put them in touch with specific board. For those that may not have the time to talk or like reading on their own we can email information that should answer any question a potential applicant may have regarding boards.
Requests for Information:
We are the keeper of records and we have the meeting minutes that go many years and year back in time. We accept requests for information and our form is available online or we can email it to someone.
General Assistance:
We are the hub of information. How we assist in this manner or some of the common things we answer are who is my Council Representative, what day and time is the Animal Shelter Board meeting. How do I contact my Council Member? We even help with questions about our website and teach those interested in learning how to find what they are looking for whether it’s a meeting, agenda, minutes or how to view a map. Most of all we do a lot of 411 or I should say 311 service and we have on staff someone who has an uncanny ability to remember numbers even if they are not in City Hall.
What’s New:
- Residents can watch Council Meetings online and we are big about sharing this and getting them connected. We send the link out quite often or QR code or again familiarize them with how to find it on our website. When you help someone maneuver the website they are amazed at the information out there.
- Yard Sale Permits are on hold until further notice by order of Police Chief Allen this is a safety measure relating to COVID-19 (Actually some residents are grateful because they are concerned with people coming into the neighborhood.
- Solicitors Permits are on hold until further notice by order of Police Chief Allen also relating to COVID-19. The business owners that send them out into our neighborhoods were open to this and experiencing the same in other cities. I encourage anyone who has someone come to the door trying to solicit to contact the police department.
Election Info:
Currently we are still answering all questions regarding the 2020 Election as if it is on schedule. Most common questions are what is the day of the Election and Runoff, where do I vote, how do I register, and how old do I have to be to run for office? We are still moving forward and taking care of business.
Every day is different on the first floor and the areas I have listed can often be a part of a regular day in our office besides receipting in the revenue for the city. We also notarize for our residents as a courtesy and we have four on staff.
When you deal with the public as we do you have to have a heart for public service and I believe we have the right group to help our residents.
I need to send a picture of one of our older minutes books because it is amazing to see and quite interesting to read.
Thank You,
Stacy Gilley, CMC
City Clerk-Treasurer