Blog Update from the Decatur/Morgan County Landfill
School’s In
Over the years in waste management and recycling, I am approached by individuals with great passion, who want to share their thoughts about how to run a successful recycling program. Many have the belief that our schools should be a part of such a program. Our schools in Decatur are an important part of our recycling endeavors. This past November, I had the pleasure of attending the Recycling Champions event at Austin Middle School. The creativity of the youth and the excitement felt in the gymnasium was amazing. Before leaving the program, I told, the Recycling Manager, Danny Dotson, that every school should experience this. I am so happy to announce that Austin High, Oak Park Elementary, Woodmeade Elementary and Walter Jackson Elementary have joined our recycling family.
If you would like to learn more or to join our recycling family, please contact Danny or myself at 2563414770.
Wanda Tyler
Director Landfill/Recycling
Aerosols aren’t as bad as they used to be, but recycling them is still tricky and comes down to two factors: materials and construction. These cans are generally made of easily recyclable metals like steel and aluminum, along with plastic caps that can be removed gets difficult is dealing with the pressurized gases that propel material out of the can. Depressurizing aerosols can be dangerous; this is why you will see warnings to never puncture the can yourself. Aerosol cans that haven’t been fully emptied of product are considered household hazardous waste. Every second Saturday in Decatur, we collect household hazardous waste at the Household Chemical Collection event, 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. at 1802 Central Parkway.
What if you’ve used up everything in the can and hear nothing but silence? The can itself is completely recyclable, in this case, put it in your recycling cart for curbside pickup.
For more information on the monthly hazardous waste collection events, visit our website at https://www.decaturalabamausa.com/departments/recycling-department/.
Wanda and Danny
After eating pizza, I look at the empty box and think that I could probably recycle it. It is made of cardboard and that extra cheese won’t hurt anything. But not so fast: If that pizza box has grease or melted cheese on it, it can’t be recycled because those substances can contaminate the paper recycling process.
There are some other items that I bet you wish you could recycle, like K-cups and food pouches. I personal favorite is the PLASTIC BAG. Plastic bags are lightweight and can easily get blown to places they don’t belong, and because they’re thin and flexible, they have a tendency to get snagged or tangled in machinery. Our curbside recycling collection systems and processing equipment are designed to separate rigid materials like cans, bottles, or paper products. A good reminder: If the plastic material in question can be wrapped around your finger, it doesn’t belong in your recycle cart.
Consider reusing the bags. Here are a few ideas, beyond the good old standby of using them to line the wastebasket in the bathroom:
- Rather than dispose of your leftover paint, keep it for touch-ups. Before you close the can up, though, slip the plastic bag over the opening. Once you hammer down the lid, the bag will make a seal to keep air, dirt, and dried paint flecks out of the liquid.
- If you walk a dog or scoop a litter box, save the plastic bags to hold the mess, instead of buying a roll of new plastic bags.
- Stuff a shipping box: Instead of reaching for the bubble wrap, stuff the space around your fragile items with the plastic bags.
I would like to know your ideas of how you reuse your plastic bags. Drop me an email at wtyler@decatur-al.gov.
Wanda Tyler
Director Landfill/Recycling