Blog Updates from Street and Environmental
Street & Environmental Services would like to encourage all of our residents to help us keep Decatur Clean by 1) closing all waste container lids, 2) bag all household waste prior to placing it in the cart, 3)remember to place leaves, grass clippings and other yard debris in your grey cart and not in or on drainage structures, 4) call our office (256-341-4740) to report any unauthorized disposal of waste.
The Street Department has completed the re-routing of the sidewalk at the City Cemetery. With the new sidewalk, landscaping and other aesthetic improvements, the Washington Street entrance complements the true beauty of the City Cemetery.
Work continues in conjunction with Mr. Clint Shelton of the Decatur Daily to collect and depose of litter throughout Decatur. We appreciate Mr. Shelton in this endeavor. The Street & Environmental Services Departments are working on plans for the second annual Clean Up Decatur Campaign. If you have ideas or solutions to help us be more successful this year, please share those with us through our web-site at decaturalabamausa.com or by emailing rterry@decatur-al.gov.