Blog Updates – Transportation

Spring Avenue Widening:


The project was bid Feb. 23.  The apparent low bidder was SJ&L contractors. The notice to proceed should be given in late April – early May timeframe.  The construction time for this project is approx. 18 months.


West Moulton Street Widening:


The contractors are making good progress.  They are about 20% complete. The time for construction completion would be late summer to early fall of 2018.



Indian Hills Rd / Hwy 67:


This project is substantially complete. The permanent signal poles will be installed once they arrive and weather permits.





The Council approved our resurfacing list.  The contractor is ready to start once weather permits.  Carridale St. and the roads around the new Decatur High School will start sometime in the Spring/early summer


Shady Grove Rd.:


Work began Monday 1/22.  The contractors have made progress despite the rain.  The project is about 10% complete.  The time for construction completion would be early summer 2018.  We are taking bids for a signal at Modaus and Shady Grove Lane in March 2018.  Acquisition of ROW and easements for phase 2 will begin soon. Phase 2 of the project will be bid when these have been aquired.