Decatur Fire and Rescue Response Statistics
Decatur’s Year to Date number of calls is 4366 total, equating to 18 calls/day or .66 calls/hour. Call distribution is fairly even with Monday being the busiest day of the week.
Decatur Fire and Rescue response statistics show the majority of our responses are related to the delivery of Emergency Medical Services. As shown above, more than 62% of all our calls are Rescue or EMS related. An interesting note is that if you combine Service Calls, Good Intent Calls and False Alarms together, these account for over 31% of our calls. Of the 203 incidents in the Fires category, 38 are classified as structure fires and 31 are classified as Passenger Vehicle fires and 28 are classified as Cooking fires, contained to container.
Please ensure your smoke alarms are working and less than 10 years old. Contact the DFR Administrative Office if you need smoke alarms. Remember to Close the Door to bedrooms to create a barrier against fire, heat and smoke! You should soon see us out and about at schools doing annual fire alarm and evacuation drills. Have a great day!
Chief Anthony Grande
Decatur Fire & Rescue