DPD – Project Sweet Treat
Project Sweet Treat
The Decatur Police Department’s School Resource Officer Unit is kicking off its 2nd Annual Project Sweet Treat initiative on May 1, 2017 for Bicycle Safety Month and will continue the program throughout all of the summer months.
This year several area businesses have partnered with the police department and have graciously donated tickets for various free treats. Tickets donated include Chuck E. Cheese for free game tokens, Chick-Fil-A for your choice of a free ice cream cone or cookie, all McDonald’s locations in Decatur for a free ice cream cone, and Dairy Queen in Priceville for a free ice cream cone, also.
Police officers will, once again, be combing the streets looking for persons wearing their helmets while riding their bike. If you are caught wearing your helmet you will be pulled over and given a coupon for a free treat!
In 2016, the Decatur Police Department’s School Resource Officer Unit recognized a need to educate children regarding wearing their protective gear while riding their bicycles. The unit stresses the importance of children protecting their most valuable asset (their heads) by providing positive reinforcement.
Project Sweet Treat involves all officers of the police department and has become an excellent opportunity for officers to introduce themselves to area children and form lasting relationships.