Get Ready
April 28, 2019
One of the toughest jobs in our region is a professional weather forecaster. Predicting snow and storms is challenging to say the least and they are either a hero or zero depending on the outcome.
The news about our economic forecast is bright and I am writing to say GET READY! There are wonderful economic drivers that are taking place in Decatur and our region. I believe we are only seeing the early stages.
- GET READY for an increase of 1000 vehicles daily Tuesday-Sunday once the Cook Museum of Natural Science opens on June 7th. Not to worry; a parking plan is in place.
- GET READY for 2500 – 3000 construction workers between now and the end of summer at Mazda-Toyota. Union trades will perform the construction phase and they will be travelers from other areas of the country. No one community will be able to support that level of influx into our region
- GET READY for more tier suppliers like Toyota Boshuku that will require construction workers.
- GET READY for the large amount of construction materials it will require to sustain construction schedules/goals while keeping all of the workers productive. Because of our large industrial base, we have numerous electrical, mechanical and industrial distributors who will have opportunities to supply products to these projects.
- GET READY for wonderful jobs as the projects are nearing completion. The high volume of jobs will also bring residential growth, the opportunity to make new friends, to enjoy new members in our churches and schools that will include new community leaders.
- GET READY to walk a little further from your parking spot at the grocery store, additional traffic, more business opportunities for all of our business owners and increased revenues that will afford the City of Decatur an opportunity to provide more services.
I have only named a few, but know unlike my friends the weather forecasters, this is a given. GET READY cause here they come!