Let’s Clean Up, Decatur – Thank You!
Photo – Crystal Vander Weit/Decatur Daily
It’s been a tough two weeks, but we think our first ever Clean Decatur Campaign was a huge success. The Street Department, Solid Waste Department, Shop, Administrative personnel and the Landfill did a phenomenal job. It took a tremendous amount of coordination between our Department Managers, Supervisors, Mechanics, Crews and office staff to make this happen. I want to thank all of our staff for their dedication to this project. I know some gave up scheduled time off to be here and help with this project. These are the kind of people that we have serving the City of Decatur. I’m very proud and equally grateful to be working with such a good group of people.
During the past two weeks, we collected a total of 331 loads of debris. We had an additional 35 loads delivered directly to the Landfill by individuals. That brings our total load count during this two week period to 366, and we still have tomorrow because the Landfill is open from 7:00 AM till 11:30 AM. Our usual load count during this time of the year for a two week period is approximately 160-175 loads. Of course the Street Department ran some routes on two Monday’s, when the Loader Trucks are normally off. This gave us two more days of service.
It’s the citizens that have made this campaign so successful. We want to thank our Citizens for their efforts, patience’s and participation. And in their normal fashion, the leadership team is already discussing ways to improve next year’s Campaign! Yes, we’re going to do it again next year. Stay tuned, you never know what we might have in store.
Rickey Terry – Director, Streets & Environmental Services