Planning Department – News & Updates
• Rezoning 1310-17 – the Planning Commission met to discuss a proposed rezoning to RD (redevelopment district) for the Decatur Country Club property. The anticipated property owner’s representative shared plans for a proposed corporate office complex that would include the continued use of the Clubhouse, pool and tennis courts. The Commission recommended approval of the request which was supported by the Comprehensive plan recommendation for the property to be used as a semi-public use.
• The new Publix Shopping center on Indian Hills Road continues to take shape. The walls currently being worked on are the Publix store with additions on either side to be added. In addition, there are three outparcels of an acre or more that front Highway 67 and Indian Hills Road. The intersection work should begin soon as the contractor has been given approval to move forward. The target date for completion of the Publix Store and intersection work is on or before 12/31/2017 weather delays permitting. The Publix itself would typically open 30 days after completion of all required work. There have been no announced stores at this site other than Publix. With all the changes in the grocery business today, this is an especially important development to the growth of our community.
• The planning Department has been requested by the Historic Decatur Association Board of Directors to close the entrance into and out of Line Street NE and Highway 20/Wilson Street. The city is currently studying Ferry Street NE as well to apply the same restrictions at Ferry and Highway 20/Wilson Street as would be made at Line ST NE if approved. It is believed that to only address Line Street would simply send the traffic to the Ferry Street intersection which has a similar limited line of sight. These changes will route all traffic along Highway 20/Wilson St from Well Street NE to Railroad St NW to the three signalized intersections at Railroad Street NW, Oak St NE, Well Street NE and the one unsignalized intersection at Canal St NE. The only unsignalized intersection has good line of sight and is in between two traffic signals. It is anticipated that the public hearing will be held at the next Planning Commission meeting of July 18 at 3:15 in the council chambers.
• DU PROJECTS AND UPDATE – The Planning Commission heard an update from Decatur Utilities about the current projects they have going on. There are a number of upgrades and rebuild type projects going on that will allow Decatur Utilities to continue to operate in a cost effective and efficient manner.
• CAPZO – Nell Standridge (Planning Commission Member) has also completed her CAPZO certification
• Multi-purpose trail funding and plans – The Planning Commission is very pleased to hear of the continued work on the Bill Sims Multi-purpose trail and this leg will provide access in Southwest Decatur to the Jack Allen complex and the New Austin High School site. Allen Stover shared this with them “The goal of the Bill Sims Bike Trial as always been to provide a safe and effective bike transportation system throughout the City. This transportation system will offer residents connection with City Parks, City Schools and other public facilities. While providing access to these amenities the trail will afford citizens a safe alternative to motorized vehicles while reducing pollution, traffic congestion in addition to all the health benefits associated with cycling.”
• Allen Stover (Community Development Department) updated the Planning Commission on CDBG plans –Community Development is working on 2015-2020 Consolidated Pan. We are very excited to hear of the progress we are making in our city. This plan includes information on improvements made in our city with CDBG funding and information on the down payment assistance program.
• One Decatur updates and dates to be aware of
o Land use – we have had multiple meeting with small groups of the One Decatur Steering Committee to review the land use component of the Comprehensive Plan. The meetings have been very productive and helpful.
o Next Steering Committee meeting June 27. We will be talking about housing, transportation and amenities.
• Downtown Public Space Usage and the Parking Authority are helping with dumpsters and parking lots – We are excited to be able to work with two developers in our downtown to provide dumpster sites that are screened and useful. We have two developers Tyler Jones and Gateway Commercial who are setting the bar very high for these.
• Downtown Public Space Usage Committee We have been working with many different entities to make help make events happen in our downtown. Since the Jan 1, 2017 the Planning Department has helped expedite the following events in the public space downtown.
o Helped with approximately ten bike rack sites in our city.
o 1/15 First Baptist event in Daiken Amphitheater
o The Pirate Ball at the Princess with outdoor display of the Pirate Ship
o 2/24 and 25, 2017 – Carnegie Carnival downtown events and parades (three and half marathon)
o Painted Rock Project with the Princess
o Saint Patrick’s day Pub Crawl and concert in the Daiken Amphitheater
o Third Fridays started 4/21/2017
o Calhoun Jazz Band concert with street closure and free to public space
o Moulton St. resurfacing starts – April 30 should conclude in July
o Classical Tuesdays started on Bank for four weeks 5/2/2017
o Market on Bank First Saturday of every month started May 6, 2017
o May Third Friday May 19, 2017
o Christian Event in the Daikin Amphitheater – May 20, 2017
o Market on Bank moves to evening with Concert in Daiken Amphitheater June 3, 2017
o River city Lights concert Daiken Amphitheater June 10, 2017
o Mental Health Awareness march June 10, 2017
o Third Friday June 16, 2017
o River City Wing off this weekend, June 24, 2017
o We have also had three weddings and rehearsals in the Daikin Amphitheater.