Road Project Updates
Indian Hills / AL:67 Intersection Realignment:
The contract for this work is out for bid and bids will be taken on May 11th. We are planning for a May 15th approval of the bid and issuance of a Notice-of-Award. We would expect to have a Notice-to-Proceed issued by May 25th. Work is planned to be completed October 19th. Indian Hills north of AL67 will be closed for the duration of this work.
Moulton Street Resurfacing:
Traffic Control Cameras are installed operating. Paving work west of the CSX Railroad is complete, most accessible ramps have been constructed, and temporary striping has been installed. The sections of the roadway east of the railroad that require rebuilding have been started this week, with work occurring from 6:00 PM until 6:00 AM. The rebuild section from 1st Avenue to 2nd Avenue has been completed. The Eastbound lane from 2nd Avenue to 4th Avenue rebuild was completed last night, Tuesday. Work will continue tonight on the Westbound lane of the same section. Following rebuild work the whole of the eastern portion will be milled from the railroad to the end of the project near 6th Avenue. The final wearing course will then be applied. Temporary striping will be placed on a daily basis as required for the work completed. Ramp construction will continue through this time and permanent thermoplastic striping will be applied after a 14 day curing period. Markings and reflectors will installed.
Spring Avenue Utilities Relocations:
Utility relocations for the future Spring Avenue Widening are progressing well and the project is approximately 60% complete. Work for this project will be completed in July. The contractor has done all the patches for the work that is within his contract. Other “potholes” on Spring Avenue are from the degradation of the roadway, not from the current contractor’s work. This project will not resurface the roadway, that will not happen until the Widening project is let by ALDOT and that work begins. The Widening Project is expected to bid in the fall of 2017 and will likely take 18 months.
West Moulton Street Widening:
The design for the project has been submitted for final approval by ALDOT and is expected to bid in August or September. Work would begin in approximately 45 days after the bid letting. The time for construction completion would be late summer 2018.