Road Project Updates – City of Decatur, Engineering Department
Spring Avenue Widening:
As of 2/28/19 the project is currently at a completion level of approximately 45% based on the contract dollar amount. The weather during November thru February played a major part in hindering the project from moving at a faster pace. The large retaining wall being constructed between Rigel Drive and Tammy Street is approximately 60% complete now; however, work on the wall and drainage structures adjacent to the wall are moving at a very fast pace during March. The main focus of the project during March and the following months will be to complete as much of the southbound side of the project as possible. The goal is to move all traffic over to the new southbound lanes completed surfaces as the northbound side is continuing to be constructed. It should be pointed out that the asphalt surface travelers have seen installed in some areas and have been driving on is NOT the final surface. There is much work left to be done over the coming year. The project is estimated for a completion at the end of 2019.
Modaus Road Share-Use Trail:
The new project start date is April 1, 2019. There was a bit of a delay with the final relocation of utilities and also the weather. Expect to see construction signs and activity very soon. An 8-ft wide asphalt shared-use path will be constructed along Modaus Road. A crosswalk with signalization will be installed at Jack Allen Park. The path will then take pedestrians into the park long a newly traffic striped section of the park entrance roadway. Work will be on the southern shoulder of the roadway from the Jack Allen Park entrance at Recreation Drive and will travel east to Carrington Drive. Project is expected to be completed sometime in late July if not sooner.
Moulton Street Resurfacing:
Project Completed.
Spring Avenue Utilities Relocations:
Project Completed.
West Moulton Street Widening:
Project Completed.
Indian Hills / AL 67 Intersection Realignment:
Project Completed.