Street & Environmental – Professional Administrative Assistant Day
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Professional Administrative Assistant Day
Director, Rickey Terry (yellow shirt) Wednesday, April 26th was Professional Administrative Assistant’s Day so we did what we do best, EAT! These ladies are responsible for the day to day operations of the departments and believe me, I couldn’t do my job without them.
Seated across the table from me is Ms. Sonya Britnell (Landfill Secretary), to her right is Ms. Emily Johnson (City Recycling Manager), next to her is Ms. Marvelle Moore (Shop Clerk), then Ms. Julia Chenault (St & Environmental Services Administrator). Immediately to my left is Ms. Karen Jenkins (Office Assistant) and next to her is Ms. Joyce Hames ( Office Assistant). Our missing link was Ms. Nancy Whiteside (Secretary at the Decatur office) who was feeling a little under the weather. We missed her.