Street & Environmental Services – Updates
Tags: City Garage, Decatur/Morgan County Sanitary Landfill, Recycling Program, Solid Waste, Street 0 Comments
The Street Department, under the leadership of Manager Wayne Wascavage, has been gearing up for mosquito season. He and the crew have attended training sessions presented by the Madison County Health Department and the Alabama Vector Management Society. The Department has in place a plan for mosquito control with main focus on larviciding, surveillance, and education of the public. Fogging for adult mosquitoes will be done when surveillance counts in the different areas of the City meet the plan’s threshold. Information has been posted on the City’s website and social media, as well as given out to the local newspaper and television stations. http://bit.ly/2nxQtVD
Other activities of the Street Department which are ongoing are asphalt repairs, alley repairs, drainage work, and street cleaning.
The Solid Waste Department, led by Manager Reginald Carter, is busy as always removing household garbage and bulky waste. These crews of hardworking employees will step it up to full throttle for the Let’s Clean Up, Decatur! Campaign which is set for June 12 – June 24, 2017. Be ready! This is a new undertaking for this department, designed to help residents get rid of unwanted items that might be piled up around their homes. Look for more information on this cleanup later on.