Street and Road Projects Updates
Moulton Street Resurfacing:
This project is complete. Project has been recommended for acceptance by ALDOT.
Spring Avenue Utilities Relocations:
This Contractor’s portion of this project is complete. Utility companies are following behind the Contractor at this point and installing new services as well as relocating utility poles as needed. All utility work is expected to be complete by the end of this year. This project will not resurface the roadway, that will not happen until the Roadway Widening project is let by ALDOT and that work begins. The Widening Project is expected to bid February 2018 and will likely take 18 months or more of construction time.
West Moulton Street Widening:
Bidding process was conducted by ALDOT in late September. A preconstruction meeting was held on 12/7/2017. The notice to proceed date for the project is January 3, 2018. The time for construction completion would be late summer to early fall of 2018.
Indian Hills Rd:
This project is substantially complete. The contractor is finishing up the grassing and will reset the timing of the signals by this weekend(1/28). The permanent signal poles will be installed once they arrive.
I will have a list of roads for the council to approve at the Feb. 5 council meeting. Those roads will be planned for paving in early Spring of 2018. Carridale St. and the roads around the new Decatur High School will start sometime in the Spring/early summer. Carridale moved out so D.U. can perform sewer rehab work. The sewer work is completed and we are reassessing the work required during repaving.
Shady Grove Rd.:
The plans are complete for the project. We are working on getting an easement and a ROW. Phase 1 of the project bid 12/14/2017 and the contract was awarded to Waters Brothers Contracting. Work began Monday 1/22. The time for construction completion would be early summer 2018. Once the easements and ROW have been acquired, Phase 2 of the project will be bid.