The Planning Department has been…
March 24, 2019
The Planning Department has been working on the coordination of the rewrite of the City of Decatur Zoning ordinance. Unfortunately, the public meetings were canceled because of the anticipated bad weather. We are working to reschedule the public comment meetings and will be announcing that soon. In the meantime the Assessment of our current code and the proposed outline for our new zoning ordinance can be found on the One Decatur page. We will keep everyone posted with plans for public comments on the One Decatur Page, the City page and both Facebook pages.
We also have the following rezonings and zonings headed to the Council either for public hearing or to be set for public hearing.
- Rezoning 1325-19 – Fourth AV and Jackson going from B2H (general commercial historic) to R3H (single family residential historic) set for hearing April 1, 2019
- Rezoning 1322-19 – Turner Surles property going from B5 (Central business district) and R3 (residential) to ID (institutional) hearing set for April 1, 2019
- Zoning 1324-19 – robotics in Limestone County recently annexed going to ID (institutional) hearing set for April 1, 2019
- Rezoning 1323-19 – boat harbor going from B2 (general business) to B3R (Riverfront commercial) hearing set for April 1, 2019
- Rezoning 1326-19 – East of Danville and North of Stone River to be set for hearing May 8 going from AG1 (Agricultural) and R4 (multifamily residential) to B6 (office commercial)
- Rezoning 1327-19 Fourth AV between Grant and Johnston set for hearing May 8 going from B2(General business) to B5 (Central Business)
- Rezoning 1320-19 in Limestone county corner of Bibb Garrett and west of I65 approved at the March 4 meeting from Agricultural District to Manufacturing district
- Zoning 1321-19 applying a zoning to recently annexed piece of property approved at the March 4 meeting to apply a manufacturing zone to a recently annexed approximately .5 acre piece of property on Hoover Lane