Update from the Mayor’s Office – April 23rd
Tags: Alabama, Decatur, Decatur CVB, Greater Morgan County Builders Association, Ingalls Harbor Pavilion, One Decatur, Point Mallard 0 Comments
Hello Decatur,
As always I am thankful for the wonderful directors and city employees that work together as they provide services to our residents and guests. I am not shy about reaching out to these professionals for expert advice each day. I also want to recognize our City Council and the outstanding job they are doing in trying to make the best decisions regarding needs that come before our city. They too seek the counsel of many as they weigh their decisions.
Much has taken place throughout your city government and city during the past weeks:
- The Decatur-Morgan Chamber of Commerce hosted a Ribbon Cutting for the completed Walden Oaks Park corner of Lee and Cain. Many thanks to those who contributed to the vision and development of this beautiful Park.
- A city-wide “Clean Up Decatur” campaign will begin in June. More information is expected in mid-May.
• Many turned out to watch the first round of the State High School Baseball Play-Offs. Decatur High School won the best 2 of 3 by winning 2 games against Pinson Valley Friday evening. It was encouraging to seeing residents from across the city, including AHS coaches, at the game. Nothing like a good product to bring people together!• Expanded NARCOG transportation routes are in the works, including routes to Calhoun Community College and other experimental routes.• I completed the first round Mid-year budget reviews with Street & Environmental, Parks and Recreation, Police and Fire and Rescue.
• Municipal Solutions was retained to help us locate the best CFO for the city.
• Efforts to improve communication and partnerships between DCS, DU, Chamber and the City of Decatur are moving forward.
• Rivertree will begin external audits to ensure taxes and business licenses are being accounted for properly. Mistakes can happen.
• Planning continues in Decatur for the State of Alabama Bicentennial Celebration. Alabama State Senator Arthur Orr is serving as the chair of the bicentennial commission.
• A Council Meeting was conducted at Austin High School where students received a glimpse of how their local government functions.
• Had opportunities to speak to numerous civic organizations and churches about our government and the joys of serving our city.
• Met with multi-family property owners regarding the removal of unsightly trash carts and the placement of dumpsters to provide a cleaner environment.
• I learned of a proposed rate increase from our emergency transport service provider, First Response. The increase might be warranted and I know it will bring about discussions from the EMS board and City Council.
• Participated in Daikin Homestay interviews with Daikin officials Mike Ladd and Forrest Keith and DCS Interim Superintendent Dr. Dale Edwards and Elementary Supervisor Dr. Rachel Poovey.
The Daikin Homestay Program, which began in 1994, has provided the opportunity for over a hundred students and more than twenty teachers from the Decatur area to experience Japan and Japanese culture for themselves. Each year four of our high school juniors are selected to participate in a ten day trip to Japan.
Through this program, Daikin America hopes to bring the United States and Japan closer together. The annual cultural learning mission encourages the participants to explore the differences between our two societies for a better understanding of one another.
• Sat in on a meeting with SoulStock 2017 organizers to learn about the tremendous amount of planning and support that is required to host this wonderful annual event at the Point Mallard Park Spirit of America Stage. Over 15,000 are expected.
• Attended the North Alabama Mayors Meeting hosted by Hudson Alpha. I was seated next to Mayor Tommy Battle who is considering a run for the governor’s office. Mayor Battle had visited Montgomery earlier that day and provided insight regarding the failed fuel tax bill and the unlikely success of the proposed pharmacy business license bill that would eliminate business licenses for municipalities for prescription medication and OTC gross sales receipts. Attendees enjoyed touring Hudson Alpha and learned of how their research is set to change lives with cures for ALS, Alzheimer, Parkinson’s, Cancer and other diseases.
Be sure to Like The City of Decatur, Alabama Government Facebook page. You can also learn about upcoming by visiting the Decatur Morgan Convention and Visitors Bureau website.
Until Next Time,