Updates From our Engineering Department
November 24, 2019
The engineering department is working diligently to keep multiple projects moving forward throughout the city. These projects include:
- Austin High School Traffic Signal:
- Site assessments have taken place at the Austin High School entrance on Modaus Road and plans for a mast arm traffic signal are underway.
- Bibb Garrett Bridge:
- Plans have been drawn and are currently under review. Appraisals for right-of-way acquisition have been completed and the next phase of the process will begin soon.
- Brookmeade Road & Country Club Road Drainage:
- This project is currently in the easement acquisition phase.
- Carrie Matthews Center:
- Decatur Parks and Recreation, in coordination with Decatur Youth Services, will be formulating a strategic plan for all recreational centers to determine future uses and needs.
- Line Street & Ferry Street:
- Work has begun on Well Street. Work on Line Street and Ferry Street will begin soon.
- Modaus Road & Carrington Drive:
- Geotechnical testing has been conducted at the intersection of Modaus Road and Carrington Drive in efforts to design a new intersection configuration.
- Paving:
- Road paving projects have been selected and approved for fiscal year 2020.
- Decatur Engineering is currently awaiting confirmation of the start date from the selected contractor.
- Shady Grove Lane:
- This project is currently in the easement and right-of-way acquisition phase.
- Sidewalks:
- Multiple sidewalk and shared-use trail projects throughout the city are continuously being evaluated for potential connection to existing infrastructure proximal to schools, parks, and other municipal facilities.
- Work has been recently completed on sidewalk installation along Danville Road from 8th Avenue to West Decatur Elementary School, and also along Stone River Drive connecting Austin Middle School and Chestnut Grove Elementary Schools.
- A notice to proceed has been issued for the Transportation Alternatives Shared-use Trail project around Decatur High School and Decatur Morgan Hospital.
- Spring Avenue:
- Traffic signals have been installed.
- Efforts are being made to work during times of least traffic congestion.
- The projected completion date for this project, while heavily influenced by weather conditions, is anticipated to be early Spring of 2020.
- Upper River Road Sewer Project:
- A bid has been accepted and work will begin soon.
Again, the engineering department is working diligently to improve safety throughout our city. Patience is of the utmost importance and is much appreciated as we pursue these goals.
Kindest Regards,
Carl Prewitt P.E.
Courtney Johnson