West Moulton St. Widening Project – Expect Delays
The Contractor will begin paving the final wearing surface of asphalt on Monday July 16th for the West Moulton Street Widening project. On Monday morning (July 16th) the traffic will be shifted to the outside lanes. Extensive traffic control devices have been planned to be placed to ensure the safest environment possible for the traffic moving through the construction zone. Temporary Striping, Channelizing Drums, and Cones will be used as well as Advanced Warning Signs, Arrow Boards, and Flagmen. Westbound traffic will be running on the northern edge of the roadway, and eastbound traffic will be running on the southern edge of the roadway. New traffic striping will be placed as soon as possible for each phase of new paving. With the asphalt tonnage expected, the contractor should be able to pave down and back to complete the middle area of the roadway within one full day of work.
On Tuesday morning the traffic will be moved to the center of the roadway on the new surface and at that time the outside lanes paved. We will be using any necessary or required traffic control devices to ensure safety at all times during this phase as well.
With good weather and no breakdowns, the wearing surface for the roadway will be completed by Tuesday evening. The contractor would then only lack driveways, adjacent roadways, and radius tie-ins. We are coordinating with the traffic stripe contractor to have the temporary stripes on all lanes painted by Wednesday morning. However, this is tentative at the moment.
We are so close to the finish line on the project. Thank you for your cooperation!