Engineering Updates – Transportation and ADA News
Spring Ave. Widening:
Pre-construction meeting was held Thursday May 3. Construction signs and erosion control are being placed. The beginning of construction will follow closely behind. The project is slated to last 18 months.
We have completed 9 of our 18 approved roads for this year. We should resume our paving projects next week. The remaining roads will take 3-4 weeks to complete.
Indian Hills and 67 intersection:
This project is substantially complete. ALDOT will do their inspections and any corrections we may have. This project will be completed.
Shady Grove lane:
The contractors are working on the concrete paved ditches and pedestrian path. I anticipate this project to be wrapping up in Late July.
We are working on the easements and ROW for the next phase of the project. I am hopeful we can bid the 2nd phase this Fall.
Handicap Ramps:
We will begin constructing/modifying handicap ramps to the standards required by ADA. We will begin in areas that were damaged by the recent storms. Once those areas are fixed we will be concentrating on the blocks around the government buildings downtown.