Blog Update – Planning Department
The Decatur City Council Voted 5-0 February 5 to adopt the One Decatur Comprehensive Plan. A comprehensive plan is the broadest public policy document for the city and sets forth the long-range vision for the physical development, housing, economic development, transportation, community facilities and other public facilities and needs. The plan serves as a foundation for the City’s budgeting process, zoning ordinance, land development regulations, and other ordinances. It is implemented over time by many parts of the community.
We are excited about the opportunities that this will bring. Please review the slides attached to get a bird’s eye view of the plan. A copy of the executive summary is also provided. We need the help of everyone in our city to make things happen. We invite you to get involved and be a part of the future of Decatur.
The City of Decatur is very involved in the Launch 2035 project. This long-range planning initiative is a new regional partnership that will rethink and imagine our region’s economy 20 years from today. Madison, Morgan and Limestone counties are working together to plan for the future of our region. There are three sub committees Workforce Development, Entrepreneurship and Land Use. The Land Use group will have two public meetings March 5 and 6 to offer input and guidance for a planned multipurpose trail system to connect the three counties. The meetings will be at the Space and Rocket Center March 5 and at Calhoun Community College March 6. A flyer is attached. We hope to see many Decatur/ Morgan County residents at the meetings.
visioning sessions for the singing river trail.